MATS Bootcamp Assignment 4 - Nautical Wall Art



June's MATS Bootcamp assignment was Nautical wall art. Unfortunately I did not meet the deadline but I am still working on it.

I really enjoyed this theme. I did a lot of sketches of ships in bottles, sailors and mermaids, pirates, boats and sea creatures. I think the hardest part was deciding which elements to use but no worries, I will eventually flesh out the ones I like and save them for a rainy day.

I had bought a new Pentel Pocket brushpen that was really fun to use. It's a little difficult to get the hang of at first, especially controlling line-weight and drawing curves, but I love the the look of the line quality.

I also used my trusty uni stylefit multipen (gel ink) which is great for fine details.

Even though I missed the MATS bootcamp deadline, I am going to finish this piece. I feel the biggest problem I'm having is the composition of the piece.

Gel-ink pen sketches

Gel-ink pen sketches

Brush pen sketches

Brush pen sketches

Collage of different parts of the wall art

Collage of different parts of the wall art