Contest Winner!
Yay! I'm super excited that I won Hallmark Creative Studio UK's Fab & Festive contest! :) I worked really hard on this. I wasn't even sure if I would enter but I did my best. I came up with my concept pretty fast: cute cuddly animals in cozy winter wear. I decided to use polar bears and penguins (initially) because it's sort of funny since they would have no need for scarves, sweaters and mittens. I love the look of winter and holiday sweaters in general. The fair isle pattern really struck me as pretty and I tried hard to recreate it in vector form.
I added the foxes later because I felt the pattern needed more color and the red would really pop. I decided to give them a different type of winter wear so I went with cable knit items.
Living in Hawaii you really don't get to take advantage of wearing these types of clothing and accessories. I love the look of layers but I don't like sweating any time I leave an air conditioned building.
Anyway, onto the process shots:
Usually in my process of tracing in Illustrator, I change a lot of things. This could include the pose, proportions
For more close up WIP views, please check out my Behance post. For the original winning announcement, please check out Hallmark Creative Studio UK's blog post.